Yep, just this morning it happened.... a great story at The Hendo House!!!
I was sound asleep, The Hubs heard Gus puke on the floor(me still asleep) he gets up and makes sure the dog is okay and starts to clean the floor. I wake up to The Hubs yelling at the dog to stay. This is what I heard, "Stay, Stay on that rug." Now I know what he was talking about. We have a Hawkeye's rug on the floor in the kitchen. I just giggled to myself knowing that the dog wasn't going to stay there. At ALL.
So The Hubs comes back to bed, I asked him what happened? He said that he was trying to get Gus to drink something after he threw up, and he wouldn't drink. Then he said he tried to give him a treat to make him need something to drink and Gus wouldn't take it. To me it made sense(he didn't feel good, and just threw up. Hell no he don't want to eat something).
So I told him that makes sense what Toby just did. While The Hubs was cleaning the floor and Toby(not sick) walked into the bed room and came up to my head, put his head on the bed with a treat hanging out of the side of his mouth. I of course asked Toby what was wrong, he just looked at me. Then he very gently put his treat on the ground and put his head back on the bed. I asked if he was sad because his dad(The Hubs) was yelling at his brother(Gus). He looked at me, and said, "Yes, Mom please help". Yes, Yes, I know the animals don't talk, but they give looks and we all know what they are saying!!!
It was a crazy morning, this all happened a couple hours before we got up for work, by the time I got up the dog was fine and wanted to go run around in the back yard. This I would say is a typical day at The Hendo House!
Have a great Wednesday!!
<3 The Wifey
What Toby did is freaking adorable =) I love animals. I hope Gus feels better soon!