
Monday, January 30, 2012

Movies! #78

I am on my way to getting the 1 movie a week in! This past week I watched, When Harry Met Sally. I had never seen it before, only the iconic scenes that everyone talks about from that movie.

I really enjoyed this movie! Just the funny parts of it. I once again asked The Hubs if he wanted to watch it with me, he just looked at me as if I had a 2nd head. Oh well, maybe one of these days!!

The whole idea behind When Harry Met Sally is great. I can not think of a time where I have seen the same storyline play out in the way that it did. Of course there have been the times where growing up as kids then the characters fall in love. But I can't think of another movie that the 2 main characters have met, disliked each other, met again, disliked each other again. Then finally met and became friends and eventually fell in love. It was refreshing even though the movie is a "classic" according to my list.

I do have to admit I started to watch the movie, then about 45 minutes into it stopped went had dinner played some MMO's and then came back and watched the rest. So it was a great movie once the main part started but I can see where some people do not like it.

Of course we have to talk about the famous scene with Meg Ryan and the fake sex. This is the most talked about part of the movie, I was waiting for it because that is the only part I had really seen before. It was funny, then of course the lady that says, "I'll have what she's having". It was super funny and I get why it was quoted so much!!

Overall I would give the movie a 3.5 of 5 stars. It was good and of course made in the 80's. I did love the twist of her getting mad after they had sex. I mean come on, you knew what was going on and you knew that's the way he acted. Heck it would be super weird for anyone!!

We'll see if I like this weeks movie better!

<3 The Wifey

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